Premium Membership

How does it work?

The live trading room covers both day, swing and position trading. Demonstration is far better than theory. Whilst it is important to understand the theory behind the strategy, nobody ever feels confident until they have practiced using them and seen them traded in real time. It is not a tipping room, but it is recognised that not all traders are able to sit watching screens so trades taken are shared on Telegram and summary videos produced for those that are remote.

The room is open from around 07:30 London time, with analysis starting around 07:45. This initial analysis is recorded and streamed every day. From 08:00 we start to look in more depth across the majors and start building a plan for the day. This involves identifying both possible day and swing trades that might trigger in the day/week ahead.

The sessions are inclusive with members encouraged to share their analysis should they want to. These early sessions are really seen as team work, where spotters are most welcome. The principles here are; openness to different skills, different ideas and to aid trader development.

Premium Membership includes